Dec 19 Vendor Update

Hi There!

By now you are aware of the insane number of Covid cases, the restrictions, the mixed messages on Stay Home BUT you can still shop in a mall, play miniature golf or work out so long as it’s outdoors. It’s enough to make your head spin. I know mine is.

We found out today that we lost a small section of the market due to construction. Please be patient and we will get you in and set up. 

Load In: DO NOT ENTER through any entrance other than Griffith Park Blvd unless we have made arrangements beforehand. DO NOT arrive before 8:30 or we will get complaints from the community.


Weights: It has been a bit windy. Bring weights for your canopy. 

Load-In and FAQ: Go to please take a few minutes to read this. It gets difficult to try and stop to answer questions like, “where do I park?” when we are trying to get you guys in and set up. But to answer that one. Pull out St. George Gate and park on the street if there is a spot otherwise, head back into the parking lot and grab a spot there.

Multiple Cars: One car per booth is allowed. If you have more than one car loading in, one comes in and unloads, and once that one leaves the other can pull in.

Face Covering: If you have been to Los Feliz Flea then you know we have a zero-tolerance policy on face covering. Face covering means covering your nose and mouth. 

Eating and Drinking.  When in your booth. You can eat and drink but if a customer comes within 6′ you must put your mask back on. When possible, please eat or drink at one of the many tables instead of at your booth.

Smoking: There is no smoking on school grounds. This includes when you are pulling into the school in the morning and pulling out at the end of the day. You can light it up when you are out and on the street. We can lose our lease if we are reported to the district.

Music. Do not play music in your booth. We have that covered. This week the music is being moved to the center of the off to the side and everyone will hear it.

This is all pretty straight forward stuff. Use your head. Be Mindful of others and have a fun time selling at Los Feliz Flea. We appreciate you being part of this awesome Flea and want you and everyone attending to


See you tomorrow… And remember Masks On when you ENTER the grounds (not as you are talking to my staff. Do not pull up to my staff without your mask on. We will not help you and you will slow down the load in.

How to Wear a Mask

I know it seems a little childish but honestly I don’t care. I only care that we have the safest event in town. My goal is to protect you and everyone who attends.

It’s Simple Science

Even if someone has COVID 19 and you are both wearing ANY mask, the probability of you contracting it is only 1.5%

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