Hi There,
Please visit vintageland.la/faq for Load-In Instructions. Please DO NOT Enter through St. George Gate unless you are a permanent Seller or were instructed to specifically by Phillip. The General Load-In Gate is on Griffith Park Blvd and is open around 7:15-7:30.
Form 2 Lines at the base of the ramp, alternating row by row please so we don’t have cars out in the street.
We have 4 Students working tomorrow. I know everyone is super nice but please know these are students and be patient and kind to each other. Load in can take time especially when Sellers do not follow the 1-2-3 load in method. What’s the 1-2-3 You ask…
- Pull to your space as close to the front of it as you can so others can sneak by you.
- Unload BEFORE you set anything up.
- Remove your car and park on the street, then come in and set up.
ONLY 1 Car permitted to pull up the ramp per space. If you have additional cars, they MUST park in the lot at the bottom of the ramp and cart in to your space.
No Cars are allowed to pull up the ramp if you have a TABLE SPACE. Table spaces have to cart in from the parking lot.
The rest is on the FAQ. It will go smooth and easy if you read and adhere to these instructions.
NO EARLY BREAKDOWNS PERMITTED. You risk being banned for a min of 2 months by breaking down and leaving early. No Exceptions. Please respect us and your fellow Sellers as it is disruptive and strictly prohibited.
Masks are still Required. We hope that after the 15th LAUSD will follow the City, State and Health Protocols and we are pretty sure they will but until they give us the green light, Masks On.
Thanks all for your time and hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!
-Phillip & Shelly Dane
PS. We have New Restrooms located in the parking area about 100′ from the ramp going toward Griffith Park Blvd.